
Frequently Asked Questions: Palomar Legal Network


Oklahoma currently ranks 3rd in the nation for women killed by men. 97% of these women knew their abuser! With a rate of 2.31 per 100,000 women dying as a result of domestic violence, the state’s female homicide victimization rate is nearly twice the national average.

What can I do to help?

Consider offering your pro bono legal services to survivors through The Palomar Legal Network. Your legal assistance may offer a survivor something they did not believe they would ever find again: HOPE.

If you are interested in making a difference in a survivor’s life, please contact Palomar’s Legal Director, Kelly Masters-Newton, by email at kelly.masters.newton@palomarokc.org, or requests to volunteer can be submitted here.  Family law attorneys are in immediate need. However, pro bono attorneys from all legal backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

What is the Palomar Legal Network?

Since opening its doors in 2017, Palomar has served over 12,000 survivors, companions and children escaping violence However, a consistent barrier to those escaping violence is the lack of civil legal services. While a large majority of survivors experiencing violence or abuse would like to initiate civil court proceedings, such as a Victim Protective Order (VPO), divorce, or child custody action, these survivors lack the financial resources to hire a private attorney.

The Palomar Legal Network utilizes volunteer attorneys willing to accept case referrals on a pro bono or low bono basis. In exchange for offering free or reduced rate representation, The Palomar Legal Network plans to provide training on the dynamics of domestic abuse and trauma informed care through free continuing legal education held annually, as well as written materials and video training recordings in areas such as VPO, stalking, domestic violence, strangulation and human trafficking laws in Oklahoma.

How can I get assistance through the program?

Apply for pro-bono or lo-bono legal representation here.

In addition to full representation case referrals, The Palomar Legal Network plans to hold monthly virtual clinics where survivors can receive limited legal advice regarding their civil legal issues. The virtual clinic, “Legal Q&A Day,” will be staffed by a combination of volunteer attorneys, Palomar’s Legal Director, and Licensed Legal Interns (LLI’s). The volunteer attorneys will consult with survivors via telephone correspondence, and provide advice in regards to specific legal questions and guidance on Pro Se forms or motions. Apply for legal assistance through the “Legal Q&A Day” program here