Frequently Asked Questions: Domestic Violence with Children

How can I keep my children safe?
Do your best to ensure that they do not get in the way of the abuse. Make sure your child knows where safe areas in and outside of the house are, knows how to ask for help, and knows how to call 911. Tell your child that the abuse is NEVER their fault. Some abusers use children to maintain power and control. We have DHS on-site to help you create a plan to keep you and your children safe.
Will abuse affect my children?
Children may experience longer term problems with health, behavior, school, and emotions if exposed to violence for a long period of time. The impact of witnessing domestic violence can affect the entire emotional, social, physiological, and physical development of a child and can continue to affect children into their future relationships.
Even my infant?
It has been proven that domestic violence affects every age group, from infants to teenagers, in a home. Even if they do not physically witness domestic violence, they still experience the effects of it.
How will it affect them?
Infants tend to have sleeping and eating disorders, as well as poor weight gain. Preschool aged children are more likely to develop social anxiety, aggressiveness, depression, and disobedience. There has also been a proven correlation between those who witness family violence and teen dating violence.
How can I help them?
As a parent, you can increase their safety by increasing the safety of the home as a whole. Children may find their own coping strategies and some do not show obvious signs of stress, even if the stress is there.