Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need an appointment?
No, you are welcome to come in anytime during our operating hours: Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm. However, you must arrive before 4pm in order to be served.
Do you only provide services to women?
We realize violence does not discriminate and can affect anyone. Palomar is proud to provide FREE and CONFIDENTIAL assistance to survivors (and their children) of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, trafficking and elder abuse. We welcome people of all ages and genders, regardless of sexual orientation, language spoken, immigration status or income. All are welcome at Palomar.
Can I bring my children?
The Children’s Sanctuary is available to children of all ages. You are welcomed to seek wraparound services for you and your child, knowing they will be safe and well cared for by specially trained Children Navigators while on-site at Palomar.
Can I bring a friend with me for support?
Yes. However, when you are receiving services from certain agencies, your friend may be asked to wait in a different room.
How much does it cost?
All services are free.
How do I get a protective order?
Come to Palomar: Oklahoma City’s Family Justice Center located at 1140 N. Hudson Ave. You will be greeted by a Navigator who can discuss your needs and connect you with available services. We have on-site Victim Advocates who can assist you with filling out the paperwork, accompany you to court, and provide emotional support. Advocates can also file the order for you at the courthouse. There is no charge for these services.
Who can file a protective order?
Victims of domestic violence (who are related to the abuser, by blood or marriage, or have lived with or dated the abuser), stalking, harassment, and sexual assault can apply for emergency protective orders.
What if I need a protective order when Palomar is closed?
Call 911. Law enforcement officers can arrange for protective orders with an on-call judge.
Do you provide education or consultation to the community?
Yes. Palomar staff (and many of our partner agencies) can present information to classes and community groups and participate in community events. Please call 405.552.1010 to request a speaker.
Do you provide legal counsel?
Palomar has on-site attorneys from Legal Aid who provide assistance with custody, VPOs, divorce, immigration, and other issues that arise as a result of being a crime victim.
Do you provide individual and group counseling?
Palomar partners offer individual therapy, crisis intervention, and support groups for people victimized by domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking.
Have a question?
Please contact us at 405.552.1010 for more information.