
March Volunteer Service Event

Palomar volunteer events offer a meaningful opportunity for individuals who want to give back to their community and support survivors of domestic violence through special after-hours projects. Volunteers can choose dates and times that fit their schedules, but must sign up at least one week before the event.

Each event may involve tasks such as organizing and cleaning common areas, sorting donations, writing notes or letters to survivors, or other essential projects. Opportunities are based on the needs of staff, partners, and clients and will be shared with volunteers who sign up within the month of the event. If you need any specific accommodations, please contact Andie as soon as possible.

The goal of these events is to introduce volunteers to Palomar’s facility and services while providing valuable support for various projects.

If you have any questions or wish to arrange a private group volunteer session, please reach out to Andie at (405) 552-1017 or [email protected].

Review the available slots below to sign up:


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