Barriers to Leaving an Abuser

The decision to leave an abusive relationship is very personal and very difficult. The average survivor attempts to leave 7 or more times before successfully separating from their abuser. These are some of the reasons why this is such a difficult decision to make:
Fear for Safety:
– General fear of what the abuser will do after the victim leaves
– Fear from a specific threat the abuser has made to harm or kill the victim, their children, or other family or friends
– Fear the abuser will carry out threats to die by suicide
Isolation from Others:
– Fear of being alone or that no one will understand or help
– Fear of being rejected by family and friends for leaving
– In same-sex relationships, fear of being “outed” or not believed
Pressures About the Children:
– Beliefs about two parent homes and fear of single-parenting
– Fear of being deported and children losing access to the U.S.
– Fear of inability to provide the same lifestyle for the children
– Fear of child welfare taking the children from the victim
Promises from the Abuser:
– Hope that the abuser can change and things will get better
– Fear no on else will ever love them
– Promises by the abuser to change and get help
Cultural & Religious Pressure:
– Strong religious/cultural beliefs surrounding marriage and family
– Fear of being rejected by the religious community for leaving
Pressure from Family & Friends:
– Feelings of shame and fear of friends and family finding out about the abusive situation and how long he/she has stayed
Financial Pressure:
– Financial dependence on the abuser
– Fear of financial independence, concern about job prospects
Legal Concerns:
– Fear of custody and visitation outcomes for the children
– Fear of the court system and having to face their abuser in court